The Complete Idiot's Guide to the Perfect Resume, 5th Edition

Susan Ireland, "The Complete Idiot's Guide to the Perfect Resume, 5th Edition"
Alpha | 2010 | ISBN: 1592579574 | 304 pages | epub | 12 MB

Resumé: revamped for the times, technology, and the recession...

The recession has made finding a job harder than ever. Everything now takes place online, and a resumé's preparation is different than even a few years ago. This new edition has changed with the times, focusing on what's most important in an electronic resumé. Full of successful resumé samples and cover letters
, the book also focuses on the key words and phrases that will bring readers' resumés to the top of the HR pile.

•More than 100 samples of real-life resumés and cover letters, many of them new

•Founded in real-life experience without the rigid resume-writing rules of other guides

•Ideal for all job seekers, from new grads to the laid off worker, new mothers to senior citizens
