Competitive Selling: Out-Plan, Out-Think, and Out-Sell to Win Every Time

Become a “dominant predator” in today’s dog-eat-dog sales environment

Today’s buyers barely resemble buyers from just a few short years ago. They’ve come a long way in educating themselves about making the best purchase decisions, and as a result they “shop around"--so competition is fiercer than ever. If you want to succeed you have to become a “dominant predator.”

Competitive Selling has what you need to out-maneuver, out-negotiate, and out-sell everyone who stands between you and a closed sale. It reveals exactly how today's highest achievers win every battle and provides a blueprint for replicating this success, including how to:

•Identify your competition before meeting with the buyer
•Open competitive selling opportunities
•Out-flank your competitors using the Client Needs Analysis
•Eliminate competitors without badmouthing them
•Stand out to the decision-makers
•Win sales as the higher-priced option
A complete reeducation on how to approach the sales process, Competitive Selling provides a brutally realistic view of the sales environment today and offers the means for climbing your way to the top of the food chain—and staying there.
