An Introduction to Testing Web Applications with twill and Selenium

« An Introduction to Testing Web Applications with twill and Selenium»
C. Titus Brown, Gheorghe Gheorghiu, Jason Huggins | O'Reilly | 0596527802 | June 2007 | 60 pgs | CHM | 1 Mb

This Short Cut is an introduction to building automated web tests using two tools, twill and Selenium. twill is a simple web scripting language that can be used to automate web tests, while Selenium is a web testing framework that runs in any browser and can be used to test complex web sites that make extensive use of JavaScript.

The best way to use this Short Cut is to run through the examples. We expect that within an hour you can start writing your own functional tests in either twill or Selenium, and within a day you will understand most, if not all, of the possibilities and the limitations of these tools.

Title: An Introduction to Testing Web Applications with twill and Selenium
First Edition: June 2007
Series: Short Cut
Format: PDF
ISBN 10: 0-596-52780-2
ISBN 13: 9780596527808
Pages: 60

Thanks to caicai!